Friday, November 20, 2009

Build Project Week Completed. Please watch for recaps.

What an amazing week. I'm at the Bangkok airport right now on the way to Kamalaya. Internet access was very difficult at the hotel in Chaing Mai so I wasn't able to update as frequently as I wanted.

After several very hot days of building we got the house mostly built. The local Habitat organization has crews who will be finishing the building up and will move the families in by the 18th of Dec.

I never would have guessed that traveling half way around the world I would run into people I knew. It was a very pleasant surprise to find Dave Thompson and Rob Short coming to help us out when our roof construction went badly due to some miss-set roof truss brackets. It turns out the block corner our house was on also included a couple of homes from East King County. I had the pleasure of working with both of these great people several years ago while working at Microsoft. They both were fantastic and really helped us get things resolved.

Last night we were privileged to visit Pathit's current home. Pathit is the new owner of the home we built (see my last post). We took a cab to his home which is in the city of Chaing Mai. You get to his home by walking down a long dark series of very narrow allies. Along the side is the canal flowing with a stenchful afluent breading disease and mosquitos. I'll have to fill you in more when I arrive in Kamalaya.

Bye for now...

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